Well I never....IM back been away for a holiday...Us MOLES need a break sometimes...While I was away I was discussing with old collage chums some of the odd things our fellow mole students used to do in the good old days....drink, smoke , party and nick the odd cone, policemans helmet or something for the wall at the students union.......So as an observant MOLE I was not surprised to much to find this sort of thing still goes on. This warning sign on a fence in the town seems to have been borrowed...... by guess who.......well we would't like then to damage there nice motors....or knock down the fence....
P.S. SWALEC if you want it back, for a discount on the MOLES bill we will tell all...he...he
back of the police station?
Very good....you could be a detective.............
for all we know you could be cid lol
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