Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Us MOLES as we all know are not renowned for our driving skills.....but you have to give this guy a prize for one-up-manship or bow-manship........so why or how?......... this Fraser Freight van has the best parking slot on the ship?.......or did he run the ramp and leap on board at the last minute?...we will never know

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

No Sense..... No Vision

Well as you all know us MOLES have very poor eyesight, so its always great when you human types make things easy for all us visually impaired lot.......... in this case we are pleased that the nice button covered pavement patches have been placed where we can cross the roads. But not all of you get it right as you can see............ This MOLE felt his/her way across the road at this crossing and BANG one flat nosed MOLE. What part of the human anatomy would this post reach?........... yep you guessed it some plonker has placed a dirty great post right in line with the nice council supplied crossing place............... well done....well you should be!