Friday, June 30, 2006

Sign of the Times

Well I never....IM back been away for a holiday...Us MOLES need a break sometimes...While I was away I was discussing with old collage chums some of the odd things our fellow mole students used to do in the good old days....drink, smoke , party and nick the odd cone, policemans helmet or something for the wall at the students union.......So as an observant MOLE I was not surprised to much to find this sort of thing still goes on. This warning sign on a fence in the town seems to have been borrowed...... by guess who.......well we would't like then to damage there nice motors....or knock down the fence....
P.S. SWALEC if you want it back, for a discount on the MOLES bill we will tell all...he...he

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Mine Hunter "Bombs"

This story tried to stay underground...But the MOLE unearthed it........ Don't tell anyone thought the secret service will skin me...Alive.... A few of weeks ago it seems the crew of HMS Atherstone made the headlines in Liverpool for finding a bomb........ Then she sailed off in all her glory to the next job here in the Haven.......So what you ask.......Well the MOLE can report that the higher you climb the further it is to fall......In this case HMS Atherstone was on her way to park beside the very smartly painted and presented RFA Sir Galahad on Carr Jetty....When opps...Bang...yep she rammed...well collided...well moored aggressively the side of the said Sir Galahad.... Not perhaps a clanger, but maybe not the best behavior of an office and gentleman....So always be aware, fame can bite................and so can MOLES