Thursday, December 15, 2005

You can park....a trailer

The mole spends a lot of time moving unseen round the town....but one place I have not been able surface for at least a year is a small patch of double yellow lined Water Street, not more than 50 yards from the office of our constabulary. What has caused the moles problem? . Well its a small sand filled, flat tyred, unloved and illegally dumped, highway obstructing TRAILER. I see the fair tax paying public rightfully receiving tickets for parking illegally all around the town....but yes the little trailer seems to be invisible to the sharp eyes of the traffic should we all have little trailers...we could have little gardens outside our houses...that would be nice...for moles.....


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is unmoved because it is not a mechanically propelled vehicle so Mr Plod can do little about it?

Anonymous said...

The MOLE is pleased to report that within 3 days of my disappeared...or did the MOLE dig a big hole????????

Anonymous said...

Think you need to get out more Mole and I don't think what you blogging counts. Try doing something a bit more constuctive with your time like Bowls or Golf