Saturday, August 30, 2008

Its not just Today it seems !!!!!

Its not just this generation that is reportedly drinking to much, this MOLE found a quote from the rules of Pembroke Dock Temperance Hall now the Pater Hall. The former destroyed by enemy bombing in WWII.

A quote from the rules of entry states " For 3d (old penny's) a year for children who could be admitted as tea-total any children that were alcoholics were barred"

Now when did this problem start?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wot no Flowers

To quote the famous song "Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing"

MOLES get blamed for many things but me thinks the lack of bright and cheery planting must be blamed on our illustrious County Council....This MOLE has it on good authority the only flowers in the town to date have been supplied and positioned by our Town Council

Monday, March 03, 2008

Parking...Pembrokeshire Housing Way !

This MOLE was awaken by one of his GULL friends, who had noticed over the last few weeks more poor parking and pavement obstructing on one of our busiest roads, London Road. This mole was amazed to witness two Police cars pass this gaggle of vans, one of which had to stop for oncoming traffic........PS the houses that are being worked on back on to a Lane with space to park why not park there?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Counted.... but not yet out !!!!!!

This MOLE wants to know if he/she has been counted, and is pleased by the news that all moles are useful he....he....he

Check out this site

This MOLE also thinks that there are people out there desperate to track down our little nest .....but you are not close with these pictures ..... or are you?