Monday, July 16, 2007

Driving us MOLES Underground...It's safer

Well it must be flaming July.......... you humans sometimes beggar belief to us poor short sighted what is your excuse for these horrors of dangerous our lovely little town. Two things come to mind...and both are un-printable, so come on lets at least LOOK and THINK !. when you drive and park

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Security Level Critical...Well not Here... Mate....

This MOLE was just having a rest and there on the ground was a newspaper Headline.....High Levels or Security in Place at all Ports , Railway Stations, Airports because of terrorist threats etc.......Well looking up this MOLE was pleased to see this in action as Two Lorries and a van were allowed to drive straight through the Pembroke Dock Dock Yard Gate the security person seemed not to get off his chair....So when things get back to normal...they won't need to have this high level of SECURITY...maybe he/she will get a bed....................