This Mole had to nip out to get a little Christmas Spirit....on my way I spied this interesting piece of "parking"....Only a few days to whats this all about? answers on a post card to the county, maybe council Mole section
Friday, December 21, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
"The (Parcel) Force be Without You"

This MOLE had a quick trip out the other day and heard a whisper, yep it seems our good friend from Parcel Force is still up to his old tricks. The top picture gave his MOLE a fright, yep your eyes don't deceive you, he is parked on the left hand site of the road pointing the wrong way...... and yes directly in the exit from the roundabout (inset approx location, this MOLE was not going to get too close).....I thought us MOLES could be a little unstable, but this parking takes the proverbial biscuit. To remind you the MOLE as resurrected some other demonstrations of "Excellent Road Sense"....I don't think

Sunday, November 04, 2007
Sunday Underground Service?
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Many a Click ...Make Government Accessible ???

"Welcome to a news article direct from the editor , it was to be a small insight into the ups and downs of Pembrokeshire County Council as highlighted in the latest Performance Bulletin on Local Authority Performance 2006/7 published by the Welsh Assembly Government on 8th October 2007. But before we can make comment on the efficiency or non-efficiency of our County Council we had to tell this one. How to get the report.......In seven easy steps !!!!!!"

Monday, September 24, 2007
"First Ship"..... Tries Marina for Size ?????

The MOLE was skipping through my old friend Spiders Diary (the web) and found my old mates at the Pembroke Dock Web Project are trying to steal my thunder........this is a typical MOLE story so as this MOLE is not adverse to a little larceny....I nicked it for your entertainment.....Thanks Guys....... oops and Gals
"If you were a little late landing on the 24th September 2007 it might be because the Isle of Inishmore wanted to have a nice close look at the old railway pier and check out the site of the new marina to see if they could clean the windows on the apartments from the ship....aground maybe...lets say the house was vibrating from the power being applied to get her to go backwards and the water foamed...this is a current record for us here....very close shave......I can report after about 15 minutes of frantic full reverse power she slipped onto the ferry terminal"
"If you were a little late landing on the 24th September 2007 it might be because the Isle of Inishmore wanted to have a nice close look at the old railway pier and check out the site of the new marina to see if they could clean the windows on the apartments from the ship....aground maybe...lets say the house was vibrating from the power being applied to get her to go backwards and the water foamed...this is a current record for us here....very close shave......I can report after about 15 minutes of frantic full reverse power she slipped onto the ferry terminal"
Monday, September 17, 2007
Symbol of Community Support

This old Mole was out and about on Sunday....we were checking out the Civic Service when we happened upon this rare Symbol of Support for our new CSO's at the start of the Mayor's Parade............ get it symbols, support?.....well worth a try....the picture was nicked from my erstwhile mates at the web project....thanks boys............
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Less than a POUND a POINT !!!!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
This MOLE is more than surprised and impressed with the action taken re our story a couple of weeks the yellow lines now have Police No Waiting Cones......This MOLE will have to be careful what's featured in this modest Blog about your Pembroke Dock.............

Now you see it now you don't

Now you see it now you don't
Monday, July 16, 2007
Driving us MOLES Underground...It's safer

Well it must be flaming July.......... you humans sometimes beggar belief to us poor short sighted what is your excuse for these horrors of dangerous our lovely little town. Two things come to mind...and both are un-printable, so come on lets at least LOOK and THINK !. when you drive and park

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Security Level Critical...Well not Here... Mate....

This MOLE was just having a rest and there on the ground was a newspaper Headline.....High Levels or Security in Place at all Ports , Railway Stations, Airports because of terrorist threats etc.......Well looking up this MOLE was pleased to see this in action as Two Lorries and a van were allowed to drive straight through the Pembroke Dock Dock Yard Gate the security person seemed not to get off his chair....So when things get back to normal...they won't need to have this high level of SECURITY...maybe he/she will get a bed....................

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Road Traffic (Bad) Act 2007
Well here we go again.....our elders and betters...(Well !!!) leading by example......Us MOLES are known to have poor eyesight....which means we don't drive big smelly cars and vans. But this MOLE was surprised to see these pictures on the Pembroke Dock Community Web Site.....Here we are with a big empty parking bay....It would seem not good enough for the nice white motor, Maybe they have to park on double yellow lines to be conspicuous ?.... it works ... We can also report well within a couple of MOLE lengths of a junction....well done.....

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Posts for us MOLES.......Please
I know you lot hate us MOLES if we pop up in your grass and flower why do you have to use very large lorries to try and flatten us when we find a nice grassy patch beside the road........just on the "S" bend in Front Street we MOLES used to be safe, we were protected by 3 nice posts to stop inconsiderate drivers using the path and the grass to get round the corner....although we can't see why them great big articulated trucks need to use such a sweet little street....So PLEASE can we have are posts back. It might save cash on road repairs to boot
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Where have all the Gates gone. long time passing

Us MOLES are not known as defenders of your human heritage, but this MOLE has been getting concerned as to the proliferation of signs covering the Old Railway Gate into the Dockyard.....if this growth carries on will the whole of the wall become a graded and listed advertising hording.....come on Port Authority follow the rules and support the dock and take down the unsightly and apparently TEMPORARY signs and let the nice people of Pembroke Dock and their visitors see the gate in all its glory
Thursday, April 26, 2007 the Line
This MOLE has no problem keeping to the right site of the tunnel....but having been awakened from a well deserved kip by the sound of squealing brakes....this old MOLE just saw a car and a dirty great lorry trying to use the same bit of the road...I must add the car driver was in the right stopped in the filter can guess the damage and the only injury was to this MOLES we decided to watch for 15 Min's and shall we say it could of been a recurring try staying on your own side of the white line and you could save more than the nervous stress to this MOLE
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Latest News Exclusive! New Nightspot and Casino in Pembroke Dock?

The Mole liked this nicked it from your famous web project
............ Here at the Web project we have received a whisper that a small group of local entrepreneurs have been given a green light after receiving confirmation from the current owners of the sale and unconditional consent to convert the building in the Old Royal Dock Yard rumoured to be the Old Dockyard Chapel. The refurbished building visited by the Prince of Wales last year will be converted into a Lap Dance and Casino Nightspot. Our spy tells us planning is well in hand. A quote from an unconfirmed possible partner in the scheme said " we believe we can now go ahead with the scheme due to the recent gambling regulation changes agreed by the UK Government and other local administrations" and went on to say "all the right people are shall we say a safe bet". The club is due to open its doors to the public on 1st April 2008 for its first season, Keep checking back for the latest on this exciting project
Well it was Sunday 1st April when it appeared on the site
Is the MOLE the only one watching them watching us ?

Have I been found out? or is there a take over bid for the MOLE here in Pembroke Dock. The mole got these shots at a secret location where camera's are pointing in all directions........lets hope he/she/they didn't get a picture of this very shy MOLE...not sure but we might have missed one or three !!!!!!!!!!

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