We MOLES are not all that keen on water, so we try not to get to close....But having been hanging about in the docks this mole had watched with interest the development of BUOY being constructed at great cost.........This mole not being a sailor is pleased to see that it is now being tested off Hobbs Point......But is it meant to flash lights or send out a radio beam......Or as in this case POINT in the direction you need to go........Who said sign posts were a thing of the past......Happy tunneling........ Hopefully in a STRAIGHT line

Well what a turn up…a meteor shower seems to have rained on the Dock, the MOLE can report. Just take a stroll down to the back of the St. Govan’s Centre…and there they are all over the place….. Blooming great lumps of…well rock or maybe meteorites from space … But maybe they are part of the new landscaping…whoops no can’t be that you would need planning permission!! No it seem the nice person who owns the land has received outline planning permission for the site…..and needs it left clear… the bit he owns that is…not sure about the car park…unless they were good enough to tarmac, streetlight and white-line a bit for the now defunked Co-Op…(Asda or the County Council) I think not…no such thing as a free lunch…….The MOLE is not known to watch out for his human friends…but we did notice that some of the stones had been accidentally…. placed i.e. exactly on the line of the right of way from the Western Way crossing……Lets hope that there is movement on this piece of real-estate before the expiry of the 5 year period of the outline permissions granted so the nice little piece of land does not become a derelict eyesore in the centre of our Town. On a positive note…it’s a great site for us MOLES now…thank you